I own and operate mygatenow.com where i write reviews on internet marketing products i have made significant amount of money while just writing reviews only, you can try this strategy but what i have learned after running a review blog for 2 years is that when you run this kind of blog at some point of time you will feel hard to push your profits.
And here is why...
Too Much Competition: To get things work you have to create an indepth review of some product of your choice and after writing your review you have to place your affiliate buttons at the end which will bring sales to your affiliate websites.
But problem with this strategy is that you have to rank it up for respective keywords like if you are selling a chair you have to rank it up for chair review.

Then the your previous reviews started loosing their rankings due to other affiliates outranking your spot and you have to work back again to get your first spot again and when you focus back on that article other articles starts to lose rank, so when you keep adding your review it becomes much hard to keep ranking for all of them.
so at the end you just end up maintaining your spot.
No Audience Building: While writing review you are not building a business a successful business must grow with time but what happening over here is that you are just sticking to your place there is no growth, no stable income.
So what's the right way of doing affiliate marketing?
Overall first you need to decided what's you going to sell and make sure it's a quality product because that will affect your future sales.
After that you have
Leverage Email marketing: Email marketing accounts major affiliate sales not just for me for anyone on the internet you will heard this phase numerous times "Money is in the List" it's true in every aspect when you build a list you are not just selling but you are building a list of buyer which will eventually grow with time the bigger and better you have the more affiliate sales you can make.
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