I am regular visitor of warrior forums as there are lots of hot internet marketing gossips takes place today when i was browsing threads i found an interesting question you can check that thread here warriorforum.com/search-engine-optimization/1018887-single-page-micro-niche-site-targeting-single-keyword.html
Member named rook and king idea was to create a single page website targeting a single keyword and make money with it.
For anyone the idea might look to be effective but there are lots of flaws in this strategy which i am going to reveal right now.
Google Doesn't Hate Single Page Website But Doesn't Like It Either
If you are creating a single page website with single content you might providing value with that single content but think of a user visiting your website and he or she has no where to go after dropping to your website this will generally leads to high bounce rate from your website which doesn't look good in the eyes of google.
Google Looks Entire Website: Maybe your content is good maybe your website design is awesome but your website doesn't have big content inventory which in long run hurt you back google looks entire website which makes content rich website more appealing and authoritive.
Trust Me It's Going To Be Hard To Rank...
Usually micro niche website business is done using a keyword rich domain name such as if you are planning to sell a dog training course you start by registering a domain names like dogtrainingcourse.com and ranking it up on terms like "Dog Training Course" at the beginning this idea use to work and believe me i have made good figures of money using these techniques,
What made this strategies worst was that google EMD update that killed those website that have keyword rich and exact match domains in there urls, i use to believe that this algorithm use to derank those with exact match keywords in their domain names.
But after doing bit of researching i found that this update doesn't work that way it just takes away the advantage you usually get having exact keywords in your website url,
So, generally it made creating such website and ranking even more time consuming which doesn't go well with the money you are going to earn at the end.
My personal failure was dropping of my job network website like this one jobs-in-jamshedpur.blogspot.com after getting success with this formula i scaled up my niche business creating more blogs like jobs-in-patna.blogspot.com and while i was working with jobs-in-dhaband.blogpost.com emd update was launched and with next day all my blogs dropped like house of cards. It was my one year of hard work that went down in a day.
Lesson I've Learned With This Experienced
Never depend on niche website , A niche website with just single source of traffic such as search engines are meant to be fall as you are relying on someone else algorithm, and even if you are an experience search engines optimization expert maintaining a top spot is something you don't have your control over it.
Things Can Become Complicated, When you start your first niche website things looks like fun but when you get bigger like 2-3 or 4-5 niche website maintaining each one of them becomes a mess when your rank one another website drops couples off spot and when you start doing link building for that one the third one start lossing it ranks,
It's like fighting with both hands and some sort of time you feel like shutting everything up but hope for making some money online keeps you back
You Are Not Building A Business, What i have found running a niche website is that you are not building a business as a real business must show stable profit and it should keeps on increasing with each passing month
What Worked For Me
After getting burned by niche website business the things i have found effective was creating something authoritative which proved to be much solid in terms of earnings as your website is not build on just single keyword but you are focusing on a particular market so even if your rankings fall you have secondary keywords that make up your overall traffic.
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