If you are an amazon affiliate then best way to promote an amazon product is by building an audience, in affiliate marketing traffic doesn't matters it doesn't matter whether your website gets 1 visitor or even 100 visitors a day you won't get sales until you bring right audience to your website.
Identifying Your Right Prospects
Not every traffic gets converts let assume that there are 1000 people in your area who owns a car in those people 30 peoples are those who had their car broke down recently. So my question is if you run a car repair shop which audience you should introduce your service to which has larger chances of getting sales? Obviously those 30 people are your best prospects in which you should focus your marketing effort on so optimizing your hard work in marketing before the right audience is more important then targeting a broader audience.
Getting Right Audience To Your Website
After you have identified what audience you should target now it's time to get those audience to your website the best way you can achieve this goal by adding a blog to your website and create content around those audience like if i want to sell some golf equipments i am going to write contents such as "How to play golf"
"Top 10 golfing equipments" such content will drive audience that play golf. Also create a social media pages around you niche this will add more streams of targeted audience toward your website.
Caching Those Search Engine Fishes
Visitors you get from the search engines are always in a hurry they are seeking information as fast as they could if you don't have right tools and hooks they will visit your website read their information and will move on.
You have very little time to impress them, First thing you should add in your blog is aweber ,It's an email marketing software thorough which you can build an email list after creating an account you need to create your bait, a bait can be anything a guide some free reports, case studies or an ebook which you can offer for free and in return they will have to add their email to download that ebook.
So The Plan Goes This Way.....
So the plan works like this people will visit your blog via search engine while finding some "blah blah blah" information they will read your blog post and in the middle or in the end of an article you offer them a free course ebook or anything relevant to your audience to grab their email address.
You might want to start selling amazon products to them at this point but i don't recommend selling anything right away it's like "proposing a girl" you won't say I LOVE YOU to a girl that you have meet just few days back.
People have given their emails to know more about you so at the beginning keep sending them free stuffs it can be content, free reports, videos keep doing that for 1-2 weeks soon they will start getting more engazed with your website the more their stick to your website the more better chances of selling rises.
After 1-2 weeks pass by and they are impressed with all you content and free reports it's time to make some money just recommend few products and see the magic.
But don't just overdo it's do like this way "Give Something Free, Free and again Free then Sell and more Free Free and Free then Sell"
You will be surprise with the conversion rate this technique yields if you have a subscriber base of 100 people can generate an average of 61% conversion rate so with every 10 people 6 people will buy a product that you have recommended them the conversion you might get may vary according to the strength of your recommendation.
Good Luck!!
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